السبت 23 نوفمبر 2024

A brave mama cat, accompanied by her precious kittens, showed up at a stranger’s door, seeking safety and a chance for a better life.

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موقع أيام نيوز

Earlier this year, a stray cat appeared on the porch of a family’s home with two 5-6 month-old kittens, seeking food and shelter. Sparkle Cat Rescue (SCR) was contacted to bring the trio to safety, and that’s when they noticed that the mom was pregnant.

SCR reached out to their fellow rescue, Murphy’s Law Animal Rescue, so the expectant mom can have a comfortable home to raise her new litter. Her older kittens were put up for adoption and have found a forever home together since.

The cat, named Ally, was an instant love-bug. Monica, a foster volunteer, took her into her home with open arms.

“Ally melted into her foster mom’s lap and begged for any and all attention,” Sarah Kelly, the founder of Murphy’s Law Animal Rescue, shared with Love Meow.

She was so content to be indoors and all she wanted to do was hang out with her people and snuggle away. “She would seek out a lap, arm or spot to cuddle up on.


Two weeks in to foster care, Ally brought five healthy babies into the world. She was extremely attentive and nurturing to her kittens and catered to their every whim. For the first time, she was able to have a soft landing for her babies and a safe place for them to grow up in.

The litter of five never lacked an ounce of love as they nursed on their mom, in the comfort of a warm nest.

“When those teeny, tiny fur faces squeak or squeal, Mama Ally is by their side in a flash. These fur babies are receiving a great start in knowing love,” Monica wrote.

“They are so loved by Ally with the many hugs she gives freely, and she is quite attentive to their every peep to make sure all needs are met. I feel honored to foster them as I am on the receiving end watching their start in life.

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