الثلاثاء 03 ديسمبر 2024

A compassionate man stumbles upon a parking lot and discovers a box containing an abandoned litter of kittens.

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موقع أيام نيوز

David from North Carolina was out caring for community cats in Burlington on Tuesday when he heard meowing coming from a retail business.

He followed the cries all the way to the back of a parking lot behind the store. Lo and behold, six kittens had been left behind in a box with infant bottles and a can of evaporated milk, which is not suitable for cats and kittens.

Some of the kittens were trying to climb out of the box near the busy parking lot. David spotted them just in time before any of them would have wandered off on their own.

He reached out to Sparkle Cat Rescue, a local rescue group in Burlington, for help.


“Judging the condition of the box they were in and no ants around the milk, we think they had not been there long,” Stephanie of Sparkle Cat Rescue told him.

After Stephanie got them comfortable in a clean container with soft bedding, she carefully fed them one by one while searching for a foster volunteer to take on the round-the-clock bottle duties.

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