الثلاثاء 03 ديسمبر 2024

The kitten remained motionless by the university until it was discovered, and eventually, it made a choice – it yearned for affection.

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موقع أيام نيوز

The kitten, which was found in the cold near the university, has now decided to seek attention, because the danger to its life is over.

Life isn't the same without a cat

Earlier this week, Ginny, a volunteer cat sitter and cat catcher on the street (to castrate and release them), learned about a kitten in urgent need of help.

“Workers at the university cafeteria nearby were throwing out trash when they noticed a kitten limping,” Ginny reports. “Later he hid in the trash and didn’t move, so they contacted me.”

Ginny found a kitten; he was cold to the touch, bony and very lethargic. “Lying in the cat carrier, he could barely keep his eyes half open, his side barely heaving.”

Life isn't the same without a cat

Ginny @poetheblue

Ginny got down to business and first of all tried to bring his body temperature back to normal. “I wrapped him in a warm blanket, knelt down with him with a heating pad next to the heater and just talked to him,” Ginny said.

The kitten was so weak that she didn’t know if it would survive the night. “I figured that even if he didn’t survive, at least he would know love and warmth.”

Life isn't the same without a cat

Ginny @poetheblue

“I decided to name him Wesley after the character from The Princess Bride because he also came to me “almost dead” and I hoped he would survive like his namesake.”

There was a moment when Ginny reached out to pet the kitten tenderly. He pulled back a little, but something turned on his purr motor, and a very quiet purr was heard.

Life isn't the same without a cat

Ginny @poetheblue

“He raised his head, which he hadn’t done before, and looked at me. I figured he was warm enough to eat a little. I gave him food and he gobbled it up immediately,” says Ginny.

“That was the turning point when I started to hope that he would pull through.”

Life isn't the same without a cat

Ginny @poetheblue

That night Wesley fell asleep well-fed, surrounded on all sides by warmth and love.


Watch a kitten named Wesley in the video:

The next day Wesley woke up feeling much better. The veterinarian they visited estimated his age at seven weeks and determined the cause of his lameness.

Life isn't the same without a cat

Ginny @poetheblue

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